Whispered Wisdom: Finding Peace and Purpose in Life

Whispered Wisdom: Finding Peace and Purpose in Life

The small sound an eagle makes in relation to its massive size is akin to a whisper amidst thunderous applause. In the vastness of its domain, the eagle’s voice emerges as a quiet, delicate murmur, contrasting sharply with the grandeur of its wingspan and...
Yes, I Said Y’all: Embracing Who We Are

Yes, I Said Y’all: Embracing Who We Are

As a Southern woman, I have faced the question of whether or not to diminish my accent to be taken seriously in my new speaking career. It’s not the first time, as it happened on a date more than 16 years ago. At that time, I excused myself to the restroom,...
Cross Leadership

Cross Leadership

Cross Leadership: Jesus’ Resurrection and Its Relevance for Business LeadersĀ  Jesus chose very unlikely followers that would prove to be great leaders. Peter, for example, was a fisherman by trade. Jesus empowered these seemingly unqualified individuals to...